Business Plan for 2018

1: Human exchanges of VIPs

  • - Invitation/human exchange for VIPs from government officials/economic world
  • - Dispatch/acceptance of JMA hosted/co-hosted mission

2: Gathering/providing information

  • - Giving lecture, seminar and informal conference/social gathering promoted by JMA
  • - Distribution JMA brochure “Myanmar Focus”
  • - Providing Myanmar related information/activities (incl. update JMA HP on Web site)

3: Membership Services

  • - Coordination of opinion, demand, requests from JMA members/the industry and proposal to Myanmar
  • - Selection/Introduction Myanmar counterpart for JMA member companies planning to launch the business into Myanmar

4: Supporting human resource development

  • - Field of medical, social welfare and pharmaceutical science
  • - Technical and vocational for foreigners internship development
  • - Field of social welfare(co-work/cooperation with Nippon-Foundation, Foundation for Global Children)

5: Investigation activities

  • - Promotion for Japan/Myanmar both countries SME development/prospect
  • - Support/cooperation for Myanmar vocational education and training field
  • - Investigation/research the actual conditions for realization of various policies of Myanmar minority’s traditional culture and crafts protection/development

6: Supporting business launch of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) companies

  • - Promotion for Japan/Myanmar both countries SME development

7: Development Thilawa Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

  • - Providing SEZ updated information to the parties concerned
