Business Plan for 2016

1: Seminar and Cultural Exchange
        - Project development to enhance Japan-Myanmar mutual understandings through introduction of Japanese culture (Japanese Speech Contest, Japan Festival, MJA hosted Myanmar students Japan visit, etc.)
        - Cooperation for Myanmar events
        - Giving Lecture, Seminar

2: Promotions re. activities amongst Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME) Human Resource Development
        - Promotion re. activities amongst Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME) and dispatch the SME
mission to Myanmar
        - Co-work/co-sponsored with Japan Foundation on social welfare
        - Investigation on Industrial Park for SME and dispatch the mission for it

3: Human Resource Development and Education
        - Supporting for Burmese Technical Vocational Training
        - Execution human resource development, education, medical/social welfare
        - Supporting/Education for human resources on commercial bookkeeping
        - Supporting/Promoting high-skilled human resources on technology and medical education

4: Gathering/providing information and individual investigation
        - Gathering/providing information of Myanmar and coordination work in Myanmar
        - Intermediary activities between JMA members and Industry and investigation for requested issues

5: Consignment / Supporting Project
        - Supporting project requested by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
        - Consigned project of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency)
        - Enhancing JMA research institute, Myanmar Economy and Management Institute (MEMI) activities and providing an investigation result and special topics. JMA also promotes an establishment of Technical and Vocational Education and Training School together with JICA based on research
        - Investigations requested by Japan Government Officials and/or JMA member companies

6: JMA hosted/co-hosted Events and Dispatching Missions
        - Invitation VIPs from Myanmar government officials/economic world and human interaction
        - Dispatching and acceptance JMA hosted/co-hosted mission

7: Myanmar Economic Development Supporting Activities incl. frontier area development
        - Giving seminar
        - Dispatch JMA mission and investigation, etc.

8: Dissemination of Information
        - Distribution JMA brochure “Myanmar Focus”
        - Enhancing and fullness of JMA HP and English version reinforcement
        - Enhancing the collection of Myanmar related information and its dissemination
